Our website uses a technology called “cookies” in order to collect information about the use made by the user of the website with the objective to analyze your browsing habits in order to facilitate the same and be able to distinguish you from other users. In compliance with the provisions of article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Commerce Electronic, the purpose of this Cookies Policy is to inform the user about the policy for collecting and processing cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files containing a series of characters (text) that are sent to your browser from a website’s server. The cookie may have a unique identifier but does not contain personally identifiable information, such as your name or email address. Dr. Susana F. Díaz may use cookies when you visit its website or visit other websites where Dr. Susana F. Díaz advertise. The cookie is stored by the Internet browser of the user of this website on the hard drive of their computer and can be accessed by the website during their next visit. Other websites may also send cookies to your browser, but your browser will not allow those websites to see the cookie information.


Next, we proceed to inform you about all the types of cookies that are currently used on our website and the purpose of each of them.

This website uses the following cookies, both its own and third parties:

Cookie namePurposeSupplierDuration
Session cookieTechniqueOwnSession
_gaGOOGLE Analytics analytical cookie used to distinguish usersThird PartiesPersistent 2 years
_gidGOOGLE Analytics analytical cookie used to distinguish usersThird PartiesPersistent 24 hours
_gatGOOGLE Analytics analytical cookie used to limit request rateThird Parties1 minute
cookie_notice_acceptedFunctionalThird Parties1 month


insights.hotjar.comcsrftoken dd_cookie_test_ hjCampaignIdPropia363 Días, Algunos segundos, Sesión
hotsauce.hotjar.comCRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN CraftSessionIdPropiaSesión, Algunos segundos
hotjar.com_dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxx eupubconsent OptanonAlertBoxClosed OptanonConsent utm_paramsPropiaAlgunos segundos, 2914074 Días, 365 Días, 365 Días, 365 Días
help.hotjar.com__cf_bm __cfruid cf_chl_cc_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cf_use_ob user_identifierPropiaAlgunos segundos, Sesión, Sesión, Algunos segundos, 59 Días

Deactivation or deletion of cookies

We do not recommend that you restrict or block cookies, as this may affect the functioning and quality of our services and websites and, therefore, your experience may be less satisfactory. However, at any time, the user may exercise their right to deactivate or delete cookies from this website, blocking or disabling them by modifying the configuration of the browser options installed on their computer, which will allow them to reject the installation. of all or some of the cookies.

Web browsers are the tools in charge of storing cookies and from this place is where the user must exercise their right to delete or deactivate them. Therefore, cannot guarantee the correct handling of cookies by the browsers we have mentioned.

Below, we provide you with information on how to manage the use of cookies depending on the browser you use, since these actions are carried out differently depending on the browser the user is using.



Microsoft Edge:

Safari: https:/ /