Nutrición y medicina funcional

Nutrition and Functional Medicine

Taking care of your body and mind is key to aging gracefully.

The idea of the well working body as a whole is fundamental to functional medicine.  Integrative medicine allows for an individualistic approach to patient care that incorporates the mind, spirituality, and sense of community as well as the body.

Medicina funcional

My interest in functional medicine is borne out of the need to bring the science of functional medicine, in relation to biochemistry and the gene-environment interaction, and its role in prevention of disease, closer to conventional medicine practice.

I aim to debunk some of the myths both in traditional medicine as well as in the “popular knowledge” of the wellness industry, by underpinning my approach in clinical research.

I offer a flexible approach to wellbeing that takes into consideration human challenges, behavioral biases and individuality.

I integrate conventional and functional medicine, as well as bringing other disciplines that I believe contribute to health (yoga, mindfulness, nutrition, acupuncture).

My approach is to work towards prevention, helping you be the architect of your own health, by guiding you through the different tools at your reach to achieve this. Nutrition plays a fundamental role on this.

Doctora Susana Díaz

Throughout years of practicing conventional medicine, I found myself wondering if there was a better way to address chronic illness by understanding the root causes of disease.

practicing Medicine in a different way.

I have a particular interest in what I call ageing gracefully and women’s health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Functional medicine does not challenge conventional medicine, but recognises that traditional interventions, such as a prescription to suppress symptoms, can fall short when it comes to chronic health issues.
Patients often find themselves going from specialist to specialist, without finding sustainable solutions. If you suffer from a chronic health issue, functional medicine can empower you with a proactive approach to longer lasting wellbeing.
Treating the body as a whole is fundamental to integrative medicine. We make it our mission to find the root cause rather than masking the symptoms. This integrative approach includes nutrition, yoga, movement, mindfulness, acupuncture, and stress management.
From skin conditions to cardiometabolic health, weight loss, gut common issues (belatedness, acid reflux, diverticulitis etc), Dr Diaz’s integrative approach , combining 30 years’ experience in conventional medicine and surgery with science based functional medicine, can help control your symptoms.

Our strategy is based on 3 fundamental pillars:

A personalised approach:
Functional medicine recognises that every patient is unique. Rather than focusing only on the disease, it treats each symptom or diagnosis as one of many factors contributing to a condition.

Blending conventional and complementary therapies:
The greatest health challenges now arise not only from our genes but from how we live, think, work, eat, play, and move. Functional medicine combines conventional and science-based complementary therapies, integrating dietary, lifestyle and physical interventions.

A long-term solution:
It engages with any immediate health condition, while also providing long-term support and prevention of future illness.

Getting to know you and your health. Includes an in-depth pre-consultation questionnaire followed by a thorough initial consultation with Dr Diaz that will aim to identify any areas of concern or improvement.
Dr Diaz will very likely use any tests or investigations you have had done so far, or order any others where indicated ( prices for these vary and are not included in the consultation, and are carried out by an external partner , conveniently in a location close to you or at our clinic ).
A follow up consultation to review these when appropriate and a personalised plan will follow. This may include recommendations on nutrition and movement, lifestyle adjustments, supplements, and more. She will offer you a tailored programme to kick start your health.
Dr Diaz will review thoroughly your tests prior to consultation to give you an honest assessment and allow you to make an informed consent on any plan to follow.

Your gut has over 100 trillion microorganisms (the gut microbiome) that regulate digestion and protect against pathogens. We can use advanced testing to get a deeper understanding of your digestive health to develop your personalised gut health plan.
We can help identify the triggers for you IBS-like symptoms as well as other inflammatory gut issues and make changes to help alleviate them.
Get relief for bloating, gas, abdominal pain, anal itching, sugar cravings, uncover triggers in your diet associated with acid reflux / GERD and diverticulitis.

At Health Architects, we developed an integrated approach to help us maintain optimal health as we get older.
Following those same principles, I will put together a strategy that helps maintain cardiometabolic health as well as preventing cognitive decline, memory loss, brain fogginess and insomnia.
I look at posture, movement, and sleep as an integral part of well-being and fitness, as well as social connection and awareness.

Imbalances in adrenal, sex and thyroid hormones may contribute to symptoms like fatigue, acne, rashes, hair loss, irregular periods, brain fog and weight gain. By using an integrated approach, we can help you control symptoms while regaining balance and health.
Demystifying perimenopause and menopause, we can help you maintain a state of optimal health, manage your symptoms, care for your sexual health, skin care, and enjoy a general feeling of wellness and youthfulness, while getting you ready to face this next exciting cycle in life.

Our skin is the largest organ in the body that, because of its permeability, allows our body to release toxins through sweating.
Skin problems can therefore be an early warning sign of something else going on behind the surface.
Inflammation, food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, leaky gut all can manifest as skin conditions like acne, rosacea, dermatitis, skin rashes, psoriasis, eczema, bags under the eyes.
The Functional Medicine approach to skin health focuses on the WHY not just the WHAT, addressing the cause first and then helping the skin to repair and regain balance. You can heal many skin issues from the inside, optimising your nutrient status and healing your gut.


Dr Susana Diaz

Trained in Functional Medicine in the prestigious Institute of Functional Medicine®.
She has 30 years’ experience as an NHS Consultant in General and Renal Failure Surgery and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. She holds a Masters in Surgical Science from Imperial College and a Masters in Health Policy from the London School of Economics

Please click the link below for a free health questionnaire with initial advice and guidance and to see if functional medicine can answer some of your health concerns

Mar- Medicina funcional